The Sun Will Rise Over New Turf and Track in Sundown ISD
Hellas Construction onsite at Slaughter Field
June 9, 2015
Hellas On-site at Sundown ISD’s Slaughter Field
Austin, TX (June 9, 2015) — —
Repeat customer Sundown ISD contracts Hellas for $1.58 million to resurface their existing Matrix® Turf field and epiQ Tracks® running track with new systems at Slaughter Field. The project broke ground April 30th and will be completed on July 31, in time for the Roughneck’s first football game of the season.
The 70 year old stadium began improvements by demolishing the previous S200 running track surface then upgrade to the epiQ Tracks® G4000 running system. The G4000 Grand Performance System will be poured into place on June 23rd and provide a durable, resilient, textured, all-weather surface.
Field renovations will begin by installing a Brock SP14 shock pad for increased safety and G-Max under the new Matrix® Turf with Realfill® infill system. Other construction includes fencing, new drainage, concrete work, and a new field event flatwork outside of the existing field.
“This will be the third contract we have signed with Hellas over the years. They had the original turf on Slaughter Field which made going back to Hellas again come naturally,” says Scott Marshall, the Superintendent for Sundown ISD. “We are very excited to continue the relationship,” he says.